Inaccurate Review
I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a review written by Berina Colakovic regarding a delivery sent to her address by mistake on Valentines Day.
The mistake was made by me, I entered the delivery address incorrectly into the order form on Mr Roses. Even though I thought I double checked it, I still managed to miss the mistake that I made.
I want to make it very clear that at no stage did Mr Roses ever give out "her address" nor did they tell my Partner to go to the address and collect the flowers. The staff at Mr Roses in fact protected the delivery address and asked me to review my order confirmation. To my dismay I found that the delivery address was entered incorrectly by me and yes I felt like an idiot at the time. As I was not home I asked my partner to go the the address where the flowers were delivered to see if she could get them back in the hope that she would have something on Valentines Day. As I was not there, I am not going to comment on the said behaviour by either party but needless to say nothing went well. My partner then called me stating that the lady refused to give her the flowers delivered by mistake. I then called Mr Roses back to advise of the situation and the lady's refusal to return the flowers and yes I did get very angry due to the situation and took it out on a poor girl who just happened to answer my call, to that poor girl I deeply apologize as it was very rude and unfair.
To my surprise I later received a call from James who…