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How Valentine's Day Is Celebrated Around The World

couple sitting at the edge of a pond staring into sunset

Valentine’s Day is still the top day for people to show their appreciation and affection for their loved ones by sending flowers, chocolates, and stuffed toys with their message of love. This special day is dedicated to St. Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers.

Valentine’s Day is all about love. But not all love is shown in the same manner. What you are used to seeing every 14th of February is different in the other parts of the world!

Mr Roses compiled a list of how different countries celebrate Valentine’s Day. Find out how you differ from each other!


On February 14, Japanese women present men with chocolates to express their affection, while the men return the gesture with gifts of their own on 14 March, one month later. These gifts are often significantly higher in value, and can get up to three times the cost! This day is known as White Day but is very similar to the celebrations in America.

couple and their dog laughing and posing for a picture under a tree with vibrant green leaves


Valentine’s Day in Slovenia is different from the celebrations in the U.S. They are tied to agriculture and mark the start of spring. While some commence working back in the fields, others choose this significant location as the place in which they will propose to their partner.

long stretch of heart shaped road with farm land all around and a small wooden house on the corner


Known as La Festa Degli Innamorati, the celebrations in Italy have a rather artistic flair, with young lovers showing their passion throughout the year by clipping padlocks to railings and bridges. The keys are always thrown away.

kids holding hands


Valentine’s Day only began being properly enjoyed after the fall of the USSR, so it is quite a new tradition with no historical customs. As such, sending flowers, enjoying a romantic meal and exchanging kind words is commonplace, much like Valentine’s Day enjoyed in America.

couple playing peek-a-boo


Finland takes a different perspective of Valentine's Day, celebrating friendships and platonic relationships as opposed to relationships of love. Gifts are exchanged on the dubbed 'Friendship Day'.

tiny red gift box with yellow ribbon bow


In Wales, it isn’t Saint Valentine who is celebrated, but rather, Saint Dwynwen, a Welsh patron saint of love. On January 25, the customary gift is a love spoon, given as a token of affection and carved with detailed designs. Spoons are also given during other special occasions, such as anniversaries and births.

carved wooden spatula


In Nepal, Valentine’s Day is considered a holy day for Christians, though for most people, still represents passion and love. Gifts are exchanged and it too is a popular day for marriage proposals.

couple holding hands


Unlike the common Valentine's Day gift of the US, the stunning red rose in Denmark is the snowdrop that has become the popular flower of choice. For women, if they receive a card containing kind words or a funny poem from an anonymous suitor, they must guess the identity of the sender in order to receive a special Easter treat later in the year! 

Mr roses gift box with long stem red roes

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