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What to write in a Mother's Day card?

brown envelope

For many, Mother’s Day is a celebration of mothers, grandmothers, aunties and wives. Mother’s Day isn’t just about celebrating those you are related to, but also anyone who touched your life in a way that shaped you into the person you are today.  Mother’s Day 2021 is being celebrated by much of the world on the 9th of May.  Whether you’re giving Mum some long stemmed roses and champagne or a stunning box of red roses and chocolate delivered to her door, we are sure that you need a thoughtful card to accompany it. But what should you write on a Mother’s Day card? We’ve compiled a list of ideas to get you inspired:

What to write in a Mother’s Day card from Baby

cute baby girl

New dads - we see you stressing about your first Mother’s Day! Don’t panic, we’ve got some inspiration to help you write a Mother’s Day 2021 card that she’ll hold onto forever. And while your infant child can’t write or maybe even talk yet, it’s still super important that she gets the constant assurance and reminder that she is doing amazing. Mother’s Day is a great opportunity for that! So, why don’t you have some fun and write a card on behalf of your baby? Our top 3 picks for clever Mother’s Day card from a baby ideas:

  1. Thank you for feeding me, changing me, and loving me—and for being the best mummy in the world.
  2. Sorry about all the poop and no sleep. Love you, Mummy!
  3. I’m gonna be a pretty great human—because I have a pretty great mummy.

Once you’ve sorted the card out, why don’t you pair it with a gift you can both appreciate, such as a box of red roses and a bottle of champagne. She definitely deserves to pop open a bottle to celebrate all she has achieved so far, to bring your precious baby to life.


What to write in a Mother’s Day card from Dog

dog standing next to a bunch of flowers

Dogs count as children! You can’t convince us otherwise. If you and your partner don’t have a human baby, but a dog baby, then you might be equally as excited to celebrate Mother’s Day and just not sure how to navigate it. Writing a card from your dog on Mother’s Day is sure to make her laugh. Besides, when you love someone, all you want to do is make them feel special and happy. So if you’re looking to write a Mother’s Day card from your Dog, then here is a clever message idea: 


Dear Mum,

Happy Mother’s Day!  WOOF WOOF WOOF!

I love going on walkies with you and am lucky to get so many yummy treats. Sorry for barking at the postman so much...

Love Always,

[Insert Nickname and/or Name]

p.s. thanks for never taking me to the V-E-T (Dad on the other hand…)


What to write in a Mother’s Day card for Grandma

Grandma and grand child 

Writing a Mother’s Day card for Gran is just as important as writing one for Mum. For many of us, Grandma was there all the time growing up, when Mum was busy cleaning and cooking or working to make sure we could have food on the table. Grandma took us to the park during the school holidays and watched TV with us on rainy days. But what do you write on a Mother’s Day card for Nan? Here are some ideas:

  1. Thanks for being my parent’s parent and my best friend! 
  2. You are full of wisdom, and so much fun to be around. I am so lucky to have you in my life. 
  3. It's always good to have friends in high places. I can always go to my parent's parent if I have a problem with my parents that I can't get worked out. 

Treat Grandma that little bit extra for Mother’s Day 2021, and order some red roses and chocolate to be delivered to her door. It will make her whole week!

Whether you’re looking to have some fun or warm some hearts, a Mother’s Day card is a great way to remind your maternal figures just how much they are loved. Pair it with some next level roses delivered to her door, and you’ll be the favourite son/daughter/husband in no time!


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